Edited in the international journal of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, the special issue in theme of "Energy and Climate Change Economics and Policy" is included by EconLit of American Economic Association and officially published by the Springer Publisher in 2015, which guest editor is the "Thousand Talents Program" Distinguished Professor of CoME, Zhang Zhongxiang. The special issue was named asSpecial Issue on Energy and Climate Economics and Policy for the 120th Anniversary of Tianjin University. Professor Zhang Zhongxiang specifically mentioned the 120th anniversary celebration of Tianjin University in the last paragraph of foreword and the contribution Peiyang University - Tianjin University was made to China's past and future.
This special issue includes some newest research results written by world's top macroeconomists, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, Prof. Rick van der Ploeg, chief editor of Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Department of Economics, University of Kiel, Germany, Prof. Till Requate, world’s top policy researcher of European Commission, Dr. Ger Klaassen, Prof. Zhang Zhongxiang himself and the team of Prof. Wang Shouyang, who is the party secretary of College of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of Economics and Management School, Chinese Academy of Sciences University; for instance, Optimal carbon tax and green paradox, Tradable green certificate system and to enhance the fixed price in the new energy market share in comparison, Analysis of the impact of carbon prices to enhance economic model - through energy, China's carbon emissions trading pilot, Analysis of macroeconomic models on the EU take the lead in climate policy first-mover advantage, Theoretical basis of international technology fund and analyze the impact of carbon border adjustment tax on Chinese trade through general equilibrium model.
Since founded in 1998, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies serve as a society journal of Society of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, and become the society journal of East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics since 2012. The acceptance rate of this journal is currently around 10%.
For the details of the special issue, please see the Press website:
ZhongXiang Zhang,2015
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Special Issue on Energy and Climate Economics and Policy for the 120th Anniversary of Tianjin University, Volume 17, Issue 2, Springer, pp. 179-360.