How to Apply to and Pursue a PhD/Master Degree in Business Schools in North America
时 间:2016年5月20日(周五)11:00-12:00
地 点:天津大学25楼A座3层C教室
报告人:姜正瑞教授(Zhengrui Jiang, Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly)
Zhengrui Jiang is an associate professor of information systems and the inaugural holder of the endowed Thome Professorship in Business at the College of Business, Iowa State University. He received his PhD in Management Science from the University of Texas at Dallas. His research projects cover broad areas including technical (design science) IS, economics of IT, and quantitative marketing. His primary research interests lie in business intelligence/analytics, diffusion of innovations, economics of information goods, software engineering, and project management. His research has been funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NFSC). He has published in leading academic journals including Management Science, Information Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, and Journal of Management Information Systems. He currently serves as an associate editor for MIS Quarterly and Information Technology and Management, and is a special issue senior editor for Production and Operations Management. He served as a program co-chair for the 2014 Midwest Association of Information Systems Conference and the 2015 Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium. In addition, he regularly serves on program committees of conferences/workshops such as WITS, CIST, and CSWIM.